
Showing posts from October, 2013

Waiting All Over Again

Well, we are back to the waiting game and even back to being in the second trimester.  I would be lying if I told you that it's been completely easy after we lost our match with the birth mom...because it hasn''s been pretty easy to deal with it when the support system that surrounds me is so strong! Between prayers, God's comfort, and the support system, it sure has made it easier to bare.  So...where are we now in all this? Well we are back to the waiting game, but most importantly, we are back to gaining the money that was lost during our match.  We are back to fundraising the best we can and just trying to save as much as we possibly can.  I have a craft show that I'm in this Saturday...then we are going to through our own craft show in December (the 7th from 10-4).  For this I will be charging vendors $25 to set up a table...and I won't be getting any of their commission for this event.  Then we will also have our own booth, as well a...

Roller Coaster Ride

Well, it's been one roller coaster ride with our adoption.  So much stuff has been happening and it has completely spiraled out of control!! We tried to save what we had going, but sadly in the end, we decided to walk away from this adoption.  My heart is heavy and I have cried A LOT, but in the end I just have to thank God that He is bringing us through this. I honestly don't know where I would be without standing on the hope that I have in God. I also have to say HUGE THANK YOUS to both my husband and my parents for all the love and support that they have given.  I know Steve and I have both stood there as this was all unraveling like a bad sweater snag...thinking, how are we ever going to fix this and pick up the pieces to do this again.  God's plan is bigger than ours, He is the author and finisher of this plan...I still feel called to be a mom...I feel called to be the woman He wanted me to be...and this stuff that had happened I lean not on my own understandi...