
Infertility is not an easy thing to deal with. It's hard to answer those questions like, "You've been married how long!? When are you going to have kids?" Infertility can come in all forms, shapes, and sizes. It's an ugly thing to deal and go through, but the good news is that we are not alone. The sad statistic is 1 in 8 couples are going through infertility. I read a new stat not long ago that said about 60% of couples deal with infertility. How sad is that? That's over half! You are not alone, WE are not alone. Infertility can be beat in a few ways. We can overcome it by taking meds to help us get pregnant, going through the IVF process, adopting, fostering, and even just loving on other kids that need love. Does that make things any less painful? Nope. I struggled still after the adoption of Anna. I really wanted to experience being pregnant, feeling the movements, feeling the hiccups, hearing the heart beat. Even though I loved Anna with my whole being, I still was sad that I couldn't get pregnant. The infertility road is not a fun road to be on. It's hard, it's long, and there seems to be no end. Grieving over the loss of being, getting, or even staying pregnant is ok. It's ok to be mad, sad, and even at times jealous. I remember getting news about this person and that person being pregnant, and I'd get so mad. I'd shake my fist at God and go "Really God!? Them but not me?" I'd judge right then that they wouldn't make half the parent I would make. I even remember saying, "God they didn't want to be pregnant! Yet they are but not me!?" It's an extremely painful road. 

Infertility can range from problems with the woman's body not functioning properly, to men issues, to even reoccurring losses. These losses can be early or late miscarriages. Experiencing a miscarriage is extremely hard, on top of dealing with infertility. We have experienced two miscarriages. And believe it or not, these are also something that is more common than we would think. We just don't talk about this stuff. Infertility and miscarriages have become taboo in our society. We need to break our silence and realize that more people are dealing with these issues than we would think. We need to band together and support each other. 1 in 8 of your couple friends are going through this - whether it's you or not. 


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