Waiting All Over Again

Well, we are back to the waiting game and even back to being in the second trimester.  I would be lying if I told you that it's been completely easy after we lost our match with the birth mom...because it hasn't...however...it's been pretty easy to deal with it when the support system that surrounds me is so strong! Between prayers, God's comfort, and the support system, it sure has made it easier to bare. 

So...where are we now in all this? Well we are back to the waiting game, but most importantly, we are back to gaining the money that was lost during our match.  We are back to fundraising the best we can and just trying to save as much as we possibly can.  I have a craft show that I'm in this Saturday...then we are going to through our own craft show in December (the 7th from 10-4).  For this I will be charging vendors $25 to set up a table...and I won't be getting any of their commission for this event.  Then we will also have our own booth, as well as a concession stand where people can buy baked goods, water, sodas, etc. I will also be charging people to enter, but just a small fee (but remember...those small fees add up quickly!!!).  Under 5 is free...5-9 year olds are only a dollar, and then 10 and up are $2.  I plan to advertise the crap out of this thing!! I plan to give the vendors a flyer where they can spread around to their friends and family, the church where we are hosting it at has put it in their newsletter for November and on their website!! I also plan to put it in papers and that for others to see and try really hard to talk this thing up!!! Oh! And 1 more important thing....PRAYER!!!  

This will be a huge event and I'm super excited to see how God works through this event!!

This road, like I said, hasn't been easy, but it will all be worth it when we get that special little one God has called us to have.  There are moments where I want to scream, shout, and through a 2-year-old fit...but I also know that God is in control.  No matter how hard times might get and the wonder of when our turn will be...I know that God's plan is much better than mine will ever be.  His timing is ever so perfect! I know that our time will come, even though it isn't coming fast enough lol. It is tough to hear or see that people are getting pregnant all around me.  I think I heard of about 5-6 people expecting in the last 2 weeks...and it's hard! I still struggle with it from time to time...but I'm also learning to trust God more and more on this.  Like I said...it's not easy, but with the support system that surrounds me and the power of prayer...It's at least bearable   So...if you are wondering what you can do to help...please say a prayer for us.  Pray that we can get our funding back where it was, pray that our little one will find us soon, and pray that our dream of becoming parents will soon come to pass. Thank you and God bless.


  1. So sad to see what you have gone through but at the same time I feel confused, are you still accepting donation and fundraising to try to replace money lost during match? Or are you still looking to adopt. I saw on your other blog you were trying to conceive naturally. Also I hope you realize adoption is some thing you must really want or you will never find a match

  2. Hi Tia and thanks for the comment...yes we are still raising funds and yes we still are wanting to adopt. On my other blog, we are going more holistic to see if that will re-balance my body and get things back into it's working order since I'm not really "diagnosed" with anything to why we can't have our own children. If things happen and we get pregnant we will still adopt....if not, that's fine too. We are both completely into this adoption and picking up the pieces after what has happened. The other blog states that we are wanting to fix my body, even if that results in pregnancy. As much as I would love our DNA's mixed together...we will be completely happy with whatever outcome comes about. :) Hope that clarifies your confusion. :)


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