
I can't believe that tomorrow is our home study already.These past few weeks have flown by and yet it feels like we have been researching and doing things for this adoption for awhile now...but in a good way. It's just such a part of us now that it's become a second language in our home as well as second nature to what and how we do things. We find ourselves saying...this will be different when we have a this would be better when we have a little one...or....I wonder how he/she would respond to this...or just imagining them run through the house...or how to rearrange the bedroom for all their stuff and where to put all the other stuff lol. But all's all good thoughts and we are very excited to see how this is going to unfold and come into focus and reality. :-)
Again...thank you much for following this process and joining us on this incredible journey!! :-)


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