Diaper Bag and other news

Yes, I couldn't resist...I ended up picking up a brand new diaper bag...but I didn't pay even CLOSE to retail value.  I get on craigslist every so often just to see what they have...well this time, I found a brand new, Carter's diaper bag.  I loved it and it was even better than the original one that I had picked out on Amazon....and it was cheaper.  I was thinking about asking $20 for it (she had it listed for $25), but when I looked it up and found that it was $52 on Amazon, and went up to $80, depending on where I went, I decided that $25 was a smokin' deal and decided to keep it.  I picked it up and now I can't wait to use it! LOL I'm so weird, I know!!!

In other news, we have our first class this coming Saturday already!!! Amazing that it's almost here!  We also have been approved by the court to be adoptive parents, just waiting for the actual certificate!!! :D Super excited!!!! :D

We are slowly (which is fine) getting the nursery ready.  We changed the original theme we had to a monkey theme that is fit for either boy or girl.  I have the pictures below on the bedding that we want, along with the diaper bag. hehe

I also found out that if I can't get enough milk built up to breastfeed, then I can get donated milk.  I joined the group through FB in case, and also, a friend of mine gave me a recipe for formula that her doctor swears by and is very close to breast milk, so that's exciting! Inducing isn't easy, and it takes time...and I'm going to continue to try but if I need to supplement, then I know where I can go! :) 

So needless to say, we are getting down to the wire before becoming a waiting family...and we couldn't be more ecstatic ! :D  Please keep praying that everything continues to go as smoothly as it has been, as well as both birth mom and our new little one to come. 

The bedroom set we want

the diaper bag we were able to pick up


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