
How many of you feel frazzled, at your ropes end, and/or just plain exhausted? Motherhood is no joke at times. When we just had Anna, it wasn't that bad actually. I remember thinking, "Oh this isn't bad. What are people talking about?" When we had Olivia, things changed. It's amazing what adding another child to bunch can do. As much as I love and adore my girls, being a parent is hard and exhausting, but in the end - rewarding. Do you ever feel like this picture below?

I totally stole this image from Google, but the concept behind it I think reflects a lot of us and how we feel. The house is a mess, kids are doing whatever and you just don't care, dishes are in the sink, your hair is a mess, and you just don't have the energy to deal with it all. Some of us might even be counting down the minutes until bedtime because you know you'll be able to just sit, relax, and not do anything. Then again, maybe some of us take that time to clean up the house. Or better yet, hit the sack ourselves.

How many of you feel like either of these two pictures? Life with a toddler and a baby is no joke that's for sure. Going from 1 child to 2 really has changed things. I find that it's harder for me to shower, and if I do get one, it's really hard for me to enjoy it as I need to get in and get out. The house being clean isn't a priority anymore. Getting dressed? Hmm, let's just say it's a good day when my bra is on. 

One thing that I need to keep telling myself is to enjoy the moment and embrace the little things. These moments don't last long. Those toys that you are stepping on today will one day disappear. I love this song from Nichole Nordeman called Slow Down. You can view it by clicking here. It's talking about how in a blink of an eye your child(ren) are grown up. I feel like Anna was just born, yet she's 2 and a half. My pregnancy with Olivia went so fast and now she's going on 5 and a half months old! I wish we could slow things down. 

When you think about things, it is crazy how fast time really does go by. Yet as kids, we don't think this way. I remember thinking as a kid, "Man I can't wait for ____." I got on Facebook the other day and a memory popped up. It was of Anna just a year ago. I'm staring at this picture that is 12 months old and thinking, where did my little girl go? She's no loner looking like a baby, but more and more like a child.

Our concept of time now is so much different then when we were kids. Looking back at past pictures that were taken between a month to just over 24 months ago just floors me. 2 and a half years is not a long time, yet so much has happened. Anna is growing up so dang fast and her sentences, sentence structure, and the way she approaches life just amazes me. She's loud, flings toys everywhere, and is a messy eater, but I don't care. Food can be cleaned up, clothes and skinned washed, toys picked up but you can't get these moments back. Enjoy those messy, loud, and crazy moments. We may be exhausted and frazzled, but it won't last and before you know it, that time is gone forever.

Steve and I were just talking the other day about time in general. We have been together since 1999 and married since 2003. We were just talking that neither of us really remember a time without each other. I graduated from high school and shortly afterwards we hooked up. I was looking through some old pictures of just us and the different trips we took for anniversaries, birthdays, or just because. It seems like forever ago because now, we don't remember life without the girls. Sure we remember our trips, but it seems like forever was 3 years ago when we took our last trip as just a couple with no kids. How can such a short amount of time feel so long ago?

My biggest struggle as a mommy is enjoying the moments. I get so caught up in other things sometimes, that I forget to enjoy life. There are times when I catch Anna being so sweet to Olivia, talking and playing with her, and Olivia smiling back at Anna. I soak those moments in, but I also want to try to soak in the moments that might not always be as pleasant. Like, in the middle of the night calls, toys scattered around the house, and kids screaming. Why? Because these moments also don't last. Once upon a time my house was very quiet, there were no toys to trip or step on, there were no cries in the middle of the night, there were no "Mommy I love you" or "1 more story" or "Daddy, walk on the ceiling." Being a mom has become one of the best privileges I could have ever asked for. Being able to experience this is such a huge blessing and I truly don't want to take any of it for granted. 

Being a mommy is rough and tough, but so rewarding. Are you remembering to enjoy all the moments that life brings you as being a mom? Do you feel so exhausted that you can't give your attention to your kids? What can you do to enjoy motherhood?


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