Exciting and Scary Moment

Well, Friday July 5th, I got a phone call...the first phone call.  I got a call about us having the opportunity to be shown to a birth mom.  Wow!? Really? Already? We have been on the list (that's pending, not active yet, but still have the possibility)...just a month ago....and now....we can actually be shown???  Wow...that's amazing.  I talked to the social worker as she went into all the details about the birth mom and some of her own history as well as her family.  I couldn't believe the things she's been through.  My heart broke for her...and for her situation. I found about some of the issues that she is dealing with that could be harmful to baby, but after talking to people in the medical field and looking lots of information up, I found that as long as mom has been treated, then baby will be fine.  Phew that's a relief...now I'm just praying for a healthy baby, regardless who has the privilege of raising this child...and I'm also praying for mom.  She may have not lived the perfect life, but it's never to late for her...or for anyone for that matter.  Well, after getting all the information and discussing it with Steve, sleeping on it...we have decided to call the social worker back Sat the 6th to give her our decision (we had until Monday the 8th)...so I called her and told her that we would be OK with them showing us to her.  She then proceeded to tell me that she will be giving her the profiles (10 families were called but I'm not sure if all 10 will say yes to be shown) on Wednesday the 10th...that will give her a few days to pick 3 families to actually meet.  We will hopefully know by the following weekend if we have been one of those 3 or not.  Regardless of what happens, I will continue to pray for mom...for her life....for her salvation...I'm also praying for the baby...that the baby will be healthy and will grow up to know that he/she is fearfully and wonderfully made....that they are loved....to know God....and to know that even her/his birth mom loves them, that she chose adoption so he/she could have a life that she had always dreamed for him/her.  I also pray that the adoptive family and birth mom can grow a great bond...a bond that will be healthy and could possibly impact their lives.  That she will be matched with a family that will speak into her life instead of bring her down.  I pray for healing in areas that might be sensitive or dark....and I pray that she will choose the right family that she feels that she can connect with, who will reach out to her and love her....despite her failures and past decisions. 


We have an update on birth mom...she is still not 100% sure if she wants to parent or place yet.  There are a few things riding on her decision and hoping to know more the week of the 15th.  I know our social worker is going to be going back to see her on Monday the 15 or Tuesday the 16th....but regardless of what the final decision will be, we continue to pray for her and her unborn baby.

More updates will be made when we know more. Please stay tuned...


Well, we finally heard back on Friday the 1st of August...birth mom finally decided to go ahead and place.  We were one of 5 families shown to her, and she decided to pick another family.  When our case worker asked if I was ok and if I had questions, I just said no, no questions and yup I'm fine.  I was ok with whatever decision was going to be made because God has our baby for us...this one isn't for us and that's ok.  We will continue to pray for a beautiful and healthy baby and that the adoptive family will be just sweet and accepting to birth mom and be able to pour into her....We can only pray for the best for both parties involved. 

So for now...we are still waiting...and that is ok.  We are still working on funds and we are just praying that God will continue to pour in the money. Please be prayer about the same...that God will bring our baby to us soon as well as the funding. Thank you.


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