Super Excited
So we went with one agency for our home study, and now we are working with another agency for our birth mom (when that time comes). I had to email the gal that we had our home study from to get some paper work transferred over the new agency we will working with and as she answered my question, the next sentence said this, "I did get a report yesterday that you are approved so now we just have to wait on the official PW. Should only be a week tops!" (PW is paperwork)...SSSSWWWEEEEEETTT!!! :D Then she emails me later and asked if we wanted to work with them and their birth moms as well as the agency we are going through....I told her we might. So we may be able to "double" our chances....down fall with that agency is that their fees are higher and we will be tied to a birth mom's expenses. So if the birth mom we found through them changes her mind we would lose out the money...however, the agency that we are working with now has a set fee (no more than that EVER) and we pay 1 price for birth mom and if that birth mom changes her mind to parent, then we are not out that depending and if we are extremely interested, we will probably hang low with the first agency and continue with the agency we are with now. Sorry if that all sounded confusing, because truthfully....IT IS! LOL
We are just excited to be able to have our paperwork completed and know that we are 100% A-OK to adopt...our last class now in May (May 4) will allow us to be put on their waiting list of families!!! :D So excited to see what God has in store for us as we continue down this journey.
Now...warning....this next area is some feelings I have and am trying hard to trust God...but it's easier if I just write them out....but I'm giving you a warning now...
I've been having a tough time looking at the finances. We were going along so nicely with money coming in left and it's slowed down...almost to a stop. That does make me slightly worried because I know that Steve and I are really trying hard to make this happen...debt free....and I do know that with God ALL things are possible...and only He can make this happen because truth be told...his bank account is ENDLESS...unlike ours right now LOL. I know that God is my supplier...He is the author, He is the start and finisher of all things...He WILL make this dream become a reality. I just find myself scared or nervous sometimes...thinking about the what ifs...and that....but again...just feelings and trying my best to put those aside and completely trust and lean on God. So if you can...please pray for me on this, as well as the fiances ...that we are able to get what we need and to be able to do this 100% debt free. We won't hear on grants until June on one I know for sure...not sure on the rest...but we have the waiting game it is...and trusting God may sound easy, but the doing part....well....that's another story.
We are just excited to be able to have our paperwork completed and know that we are 100% A-OK to adopt...our last class now in May (May 4) will allow us to be put on their waiting list of families!!! :D So excited to see what God has in store for us as we continue down this journey.
Now...warning....this next area is some feelings I have and am trying hard to trust God...but it's easier if I just write them out....but I'm giving you a warning now...
I've been having a tough time looking at the finances. We were going along so nicely with money coming in left and it's slowed down...almost to a stop. That does make me slightly worried because I know that Steve and I are really trying hard to make this happen...debt free....and I do know that with God ALL things are possible...and only He can make this happen because truth be told...his bank account is ENDLESS...unlike ours right now LOL. I know that God is my supplier...He is the author, He is the start and finisher of all things...He WILL make this dream become a reality. I just find myself scared or nervous sometimes...thinking about the what ifs...and that....but again...just feelings and trying my best to put those aside and completely trust and lean on God. So if you can...please pray for me on this, as well as the fiances ...that we are able to get what we need and to be able to do this 100% debt free. We won't hear on grants until June on one I know for sure...not sure on the rest...but we have the waiting game it is...and trusting God may sound easy, but the doing part....well....that's another story.
So, to end...YEAH we are approved....and just continue praying for this journey and that fiances will find their way to us!!! Thank you!
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you and be gracious to you! May the Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you peace. Amen!! :)
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