Our Letter
Well over 100 letters were sent out on Monday...I also sent out several before that on Friday...all explaining our story and asking for support in a few different way.
I have debated on putting the letter on here or not...I finally decided to put it on here because it does tell more of our actual story...our struggles with infertility and just trying our best to rely on God, even though we have had some unanswered prayers. I also know that some of you read this that I don't know, but have been following our story...so I guess this would be for you as well. So here we are, being transparent...

Steve and I have been
married for nearly ten years and we have always dreamed of welcoming a child
into the loving home we already share; unfortunately, after more than eight years
of trying, this dream hasn't become a reality. We've prayed and prayed, asked the agonizing questions, gone through the
fertility treatments, and endured test after test—with the results always indicating that nothing is wrong; after all
this we still have no answers for why we haven’t been able to conceive a
child. This long process has led us to
consider another possibility—that maybe adoption is the right path for us.
After much prayer and soul searching, and after discovering that 94,000
children will be without permanent homes this year, we have concluded that adoption
is the right path for us! We couldn't be more excited about this new adventure!

As we begin the process we are discovering that adopting a child is no easy task. Among the challenges we face is the enormous financial cost of adoption; on average the cost of adopting one child ranges from $20-60,000. While the knowledge that thousands of kids need homes motivates us, the financial realities of adoption pose a significant challenge for people like us who want to raise children in a home free of the stresses and burdens of excessive debt. We believe this can be done.

There are three ways
you could partner with us to provide a permanent, loving home for a child in
need this year:
I have debated on putting the letter on here or not...I finally decided to put it on here because it does tell more of our actual story...our struggles with infertility and just trying our best to rely on God, even though we have had some unanswered prayers. I also know that some of you read this that I don't know, but have been following our story...so I guess this would be for you as well. So here we are, being transparent...
Dear Friends
and Family:
Did you know
that there are over 100,000 children in the U.S. are in need of a permanent,
loving home at this moment? Or that
94,000 of them will not be able to find a home in 2013? Every child deserves to
grow up in a loving, stable, and permanent home. Steve and I have decided to
adopt at least one of these children and we have discovered a couple of ways
that you might be able to help.

As we begin the process we are discovering that adopting a child is no easy task. Among the challenges we face is the enormous financial cost of adoption; on average the cost of adopting one child ranges from $20-60,000. While the knowledge that thousands of kids need homes motivates us, the financial realities of adoption pose a significant challenge for people like us who want to raise children in a home free of the stresses and burdens of excessive debt. We believe this can be done.
In an effort
to adopt debt-free, we are working to raise $25,000 to assist with the cost of
the adoption process which includes: agency fees, attorney fees, finalization,
mother’s expenses, post adoption, and the home study. We realize that this is a
huge task, but we believe that God is much bigger; since He is leading us in
this direction, we are convinced that he can lead us to accomplish this goal. While
Steve and I are being creative and diverse in the ways we are raising these
funds (saving, fundraising, applying for grants, selling handmade items through
the Oldknows-Originals Facebook page…
etc.), we are looking for partners to join us in this effort.

- Commit to pray regularly for the child, the birth
mother, the adoption process, and for us throughout 2013. This is so important and is something that
nearly everyone could do.
- Those who are able could make a one-time financial
donation to our adoption fund. If everyone who received this letter was
able to donate $20, we would be well on our way. If everyone was able to
donate $100, we would nearly reach our goal! A financial donation can be
made by sending a check, made out to Steve OR Chris Oldknow, in the pre-addressed
envelope included or by visiting our blog at oldknowsadoption.blogspot.org
and clicking the “donate” button.
- Spread the word. Maybe you know of some family
members or friends who would love the opportunity to make a difference for
a child and a family in this way. Visiting and sharing our blog with
others is a great way to follow our story and keep track of where we are
in the adoption process.
Steve and I
can’t wait to meet our family’s newest member this year! Thank you for taking
the time to read this letter and for prayerfully considering partnering with us
in the adventure of adoption.
God Bless,
Steve and
Please email me at Jessica.myers13@icloud.com I have a few questions and might be able to help out with a ton I prayers/donations. :)