Surprising News

I have been calling around different agencies to see how much their covered costs are.  I have accured a lot of information over the past couple of weeks on how agencies run and what their pricing goes towards.  This is what I have found so far...

Most agencies range between $20-30,000...about 75% of that is to market to the birthmothers as using adoption as a means for their child, instead of abortion.  Then on top of that are attorney fees (not always, but this seems to be on the general range)...and those will depend upon how long the case lasts, etc.  So that's probably another $5-10,000...then on top of that there are birthmother expensives.  I was told that if you don't help pay the expensives then it will take an even longer time to get matched.  So tack on another $5,000 or so....and this money is non-refundable if the birthmother changes her mind during or just after the baby is born (in most agencies). This doesn't include the home study which can range from $1,000-1,500!!  Bringing the grand total to $35,000-40,000 (this is on average!!)  Ouch right!?  

So, now you might be asking where I'm going in all this?  Well, research pays off my friends.  I have found a place here in the valley that is well known, has been established for years (like 50 something I believe)...their cap is $20,000....we are not "tied" to a birthmother if they chose to keep the baby...which basically means, we give let's say $5,000, but if the birthmother changes her mind we don't lose that money.  That also includes attorney fees as well as the post-placement visit that needs to happen.  I about hit the floor when I saw that price!! I emailed the lady back just to make sure it wasn't a typo LOL!!!  So, for now, we have our orientation class scheduled for that agency on March 25th.  They already know we are having our home study completed by another agency, and they are willing to accept that (yeah!).  That will give us a good solid month to try to get funds in before our orientation.  Hoping that we can start to get presented to birthmothers shortly after that...just keep us in your prayers! We would really appreciate it greatly!

God has been amazing through this journey so far!  I forgot to add one thing....on top of it all, Steve and I have to re-do our fingerprints...even though both of ours are still current.  Our agency that we are going through (like most agencies) can not roll our prints so we have to go somewhere else.  Ok, no problem right!?  Wrong!!  We have been having a hard time finding a place, but then I remembered my work actually rolls them.  So I called them...they are allowing BOTH of us to get our prints rolled there with NO COST!!! How awesome is that!?!?! ?  (Most places charge just to roll prints!!) Praise God!!!  <3 <3 <3


  1. Keane center for adoption in Dearborn, check them out! $8500 for your first adoption. we've worked with them twice! Good luck!

  2. But I just saw you're in a different state, so nevermind!


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