
Well our homestudy was yesterday and it seemed to go well.  We basically answered questions together, like how we handle conflict, what kind of child are we wanting (like a white baby, mixed baby, is it ok if the birthmom smokes, drinks, etc...) and then we did individual ones that asked us questions about our own family (mom, dad, siblings); how we were disciplined, etc.  So not to bad.  Then she did a quick (and I mean quick) look around our place...and that was pretty much it. :-)  Easy Peasy! LOL  So now all we are waiting on is for her to type that up...2 more references, our blood work, and Bear's dog license from his rabies shot...then she can submit it to the court system.  Once she has finalized it on her part then they will send us the report of the approval and then we can start applying for grants! 

I can't believe how far we have come in just the few short weeks since we have decided to completely go with this. I'm very excited and again in awe of how God is really working in all of this. I'm looking forward to even more of what he has in-store for us!!! :)  Thank you again for praying for us and joining with us on this wonderful, and exciting journey!!! :-)

**Don't can order T-Shirts for $20.  If you need shipping we can work that out.  If you need an XXL or bigger, please add $2 more (printer place does that...not us).  Thank you again!


     Front of the shirt                                    back of the shirt

As soon as I get the actual print of what they will look like I will post that.  Shirts come in black and heather gray with white lettering.  Just leave me a message if you are interested in ordering one with your size and color and I'll just add you.  I'm not collecting money yet until we hit a certain number of people. Thank you again!!! :-)


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